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3200 Farmtrail Road   York, PA 17406-5699 |  Phone: (717) 764-4646  |  Fax: (717) 767-1400  |  Email:

Recycling & Trash


To determine what can be recycled – Please see must recent flyer from Penn Waste.
Download Penn Waste Plastic Bags Notice

A recycling toter has been provided for each residence in Manchester Township. If your container is damaged, a replacement container can be obtained by contacting Penn Waste at 717-767-4456 or through the website link below. The recycling containers are designated for the property and should remain with the property if you would move. 

For more information go to

Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Establishment Recycling

Recycling is mandated by Manchester Township Ordinance Sections 20-201 to 20-215 of Codified Ordinance and PA DEP Act 140. Items to be recycled include but are not limited to office paper, aluminum cans and corrugated paper. For information or to start a recycling program at your facility contact your current refuse collection company or

Electronics Recycling

The York County Solid Waste and Refuse Authority offers a free weekly program for York County residents only every Monday – Friday 8am to 4pm and Saturday 8am till Noon. Call 717-845-1066 for any questions. See for more information the the York County Solid Waste Authority’s web site

Trash Collection

As a service to its residents and property owners, Manchester Township contracts with a private garbage hauler to provide regular (weekly under the current contract) curbside garbage/ recycling collection. The terms of contracts may vary with regard to costs to the township and the number of items picked up by the hauler. Any change in contract provisions will be noted in the township newsletter as well as in the newspaper. The current contractor is Penn Waste.

Residents are encouraged to reduce the volume for collection in order to preserve the environment and to reduce the amount of garbage for which Manchester Township must pay to have processed at the York County Resource Recovery Facility. Reduction of garbage can include the backyard composting of grass clippings and yard waste. Information concerning backyard composting can be obtained from the York County Solid Waste and Refuse Authority @ 845-1066.

Garbage containers are limited to one (1) mobile toter. Call the township office for collection days. Garbage will not be collected on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day , 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, or Christmas Day. When regular collection falls on a holiday, the collection schedule may change. Watch for advertisements or call the township for information. Residents are encouraged not to place containers at pick-up point before 7:00 p.m. the evening before collection day, but before 6:00 a.m. of the scheduled collection day. Yard Waste will be collected the 4th Saturday of each month March through November. Yard Waste needs to be Bundled or Placed in Bio-degradable Bags.

If you experience issues with your trash or recycling services, please contact Penn Waste customer service at 717-767-4456 or online at  Replacement of trash and recycling toters will also be handled with Penn Waste customer service.  The township does not supply and/or store receptacles.  

Large Item Pick Up

One large item each week with trash collection.  Large items should be scheduled by calling Penn Waste as indicated in the link or using their website to schedule.  

Click here for details

Yard Waste Collection

Is provided March through November, the 4th Saturday of each month

Yard Waste is material such as tree trimmings, shrubbery and any other organic landscape vegetation.

Place yard waste in biodegradable brown paper bags or bundle it with biodegradable twine in easy-to-handle bundles

  • Bundles may be no longer than four feet in length
  • Bundles may not weigh ore than 30 lbs each
  • Branches may not exceed six inches in diameter

Once prepared, yard waste must be placed at the curb on the scheduled pick up day before 6:00 am


Download Yard Waste Collection Guidelines

Leaf Collection

Manchester Township provides curbside leaf collection for its residents. The collection service begins in late October and is scheduled to end in mid December. During the scheduled leaf collection, place only leaves for pick up at the curb, loose, not in bags. Please watch the newspaper or the township newsletter or call the township office for details.

Because of factors which the township cannot control(volume of leaves, mechanical breakdowns or adverse weather conditions) the Manchester Township Public Works Department does not provide a schedule for leaf collection in Manchester Township.

Battery Disposal

Alkaline batteries are no longer recyclable. (i.e. AAA’s, AA’s, C’s, D’s, etc.). These batteries should now be disposed of in regular trash.

Please refer to the York County Solid Waste Authority for more information. Call 845-1066 or